Inspiring and recognizing FIRST ® Tech Challenge students in Orlando, FL

Every year, students in the Orlando area use their skills to build, program, and compete with robots. We work to inspire and celebrate their accomplishments through training and tournaments.

News & Announcements

Official announcements, including pre-event emails for teams and volunteers, are delivered using a Google Group. Subscribe to the group to stay up-to-date. There are two ways to subscribe:

  1. Visit the group and sign in with a Google account (it doesn't have to be an address). Then join the group.
  2. Send an email to the group. When the system sends an automated response, reply one more time to confirm your subscription.

Upcoming Events

To see all of our events right in your calendar, subscribe to our publicly-accessible Google Calendar.

Shared Documents

We make a number of documents public for everyone to see. You can find them on our shared Google Drive.